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Energy Price Calculator
Whether you want to sell electricity (SELL CONTRACT) or buy electricity (BUY CONTRACT)
EnergyCalc calculates the value of your Contract against the Forecasted WESM Spot Price, on a Base Case Scenario, for the entire contract duration.
EnergyCalc helps you:
Quantify the risk and reward of entering into a contract
Determine the optimal contract price
Leverage in negotiating energy price
Make quantitative decision in buying and selling energy
Compare the profits of trading in the WESM from that of bilateral contracts

If SELL, EnergyCalc evaluates the REVENUE of SELLING the Hourly Demand at Contract Price for the entire contract duration.
At Selling Price – Revenue gained from selling the Hourly Demand at the Contract Price
At Spot Price (Average) – Revenue from selling the Hourly Demand to the WESM at the most probable spot price
At Spot Price (95th) – High-side Revenue from selling the Hourly Demand to the WESM. It means revenue from selling to WESM has a 5% probability to be equal or higher this amount
At Spot Price (5th) – Downside Revenue from selling the Hourly Demand to the WESM. It means revenue from selling to WESM has a 5% probability to be equal or lower this amount
Additional/Loss Revenue of Contracting:
Versus Spot Price (Average) – positive value means selling the Hourly Demand at Contract Price is more profitable than selling to WESM.
Versus Spot Price (95th) - positive value means selling the Hourly Demand at Contract price has a 95% probability of profitability
Versus Spot Price (5th) - negative value means selling the Hourly Demand to the WESM is more profitable than selling at the Contract Price
If BUY, the EnergyCalc Evaluates the COST of BUYING the Hourly Demand at Contract Price for the entire contract duration:
At Buying Price – Cost of Buying the Hourly Demand at the Contract Price
At Spot Price (Average) – Cost of Buying the Hourly Demand from the WESM at average spot price
At Spot Price (95th) – High-side Cost of buying the Hourly Demand from the WESM. There is a 95% probability the Cost may get lower than this amount
At Spot Price (5th) – Downside Cost of buying the Hourly Demand from the WESM. There is a 95% probability the Cost may get higher than this amount
Addt’l Savings/Cost of Buying from Spot Market:
Versus Spot Price (Average) – positive value means, at the average, buying from WESM is more profitable than buying at Contract Price
Versus Spot Price (95th) - positive value means buying at Contract Price is way costlier than buying from WESM
Versus Spot Price (5th) - negative value means buying at Contract Price is more profitable than Buying from WESM